Many people hear the name Craigslist and know it refers to some sort of website but many are still unclear about the different ways in which Craigslist can be used. However, Craigslist receives over four billion page views per month so there are obviously many people who have a better understanding of the services offered by Craigslist. Essentially, Craigslist is similar to the classified section of a newspaper where individual can either post advertisements or respond to existing advertisements. There are a variety of different advertisements offered online and presented in a group of different categories to make it easier for users to find these advertisements. Whether you are new to Craigslist or a veteran of the online community this article may offer useful information about some of the uses of Craigslist. This article will discuss the following ways visitors can use Craigslist: * Promote your business with Craigslist * Find a job with Craigslist * Sell items with Craigslist * Meet dates with Craigslist The above are just four of the most popular options for using Craigslist; however, these four options do not cover the vastness of Craigslist. Readers of this article are encouraged to investigate Craigslist on their own to learn more about what this online community has to offer. Promote Your Business with Craigslist One of the most popular uses of Craigslist is for business promotion. Both small businesses and large corporations can take advantage of the free advertising offered on Craigslist to promote their business and attract new customers. Business owners are free to place advertisements on Craigslist in the section for services offered. This section is broken down into a number of categories to allow business owners to place their advertisement in the most appropriate location where it is likely to reach the target audience. There is also a section for small business advertisements but it might be more worthwhile to place advertisements in one of the appropriate categories because it is more likely to be found by interested individuals. Participating in the discussion forums and providing insightful comments and accurate answers to questions while also placing a link to a business website can help to drive traffic to an ecommerce website. However, when doing this, care should be taken to avoid making posts which will be perceived as spam. Find a Job with Craigslist Individuals can also use Craigslist to find jobs. They can either browse through the listings available by selecting a location and a general category. Additionally, the search feature can be used to refine the search for a job. This may include using search criteria such as whether or not the position is a telecommute position, a contract position, an internship, a part time position or a position with a non-profit organization. Conversely business owners and human resources representatives can use Craigslist to solicit resumes for open positions. Those who post job openings in an appropriate category on Craigslist are likely to receive a large number of responses. Sell Items with Craigslist Individuals can also sell new or used items through Craigslist. Here individual can post a host of items which they are offering for sale. These items can be posted into different categories and the user supplies a description of the item as well as a desired price. There are also categories for individuals to place items they are seeking as well as items they are offering free of charge. There are some restrictions placed on the type of items which can be sold through Craigslist. For example the sale of firearms is not permitted in the sporting goods section and pornographic items cannot be offered for sale in the CD/DVD/VHS section. Meet Dates with Craigslist Craigslist can also be used to find potential dates. There are however a number of strict restrictions enforced in the personals section. Most importantly Craigslist does not allow individuals to impersonate another individual in a personals advertisement. Those who place a personals advertisement on Craigslist have a number of categories from which to choose. They can post an advertisement seeking platonic relationships, seeking romantic relationships, seeking missed connections or other relationship related scenarios. PPPPP Word count 689
The Craigslist Community

If you are not part of the Craigslist community, you may be missing out on a wealth of financial opportunities as well as the opportunity to learn more about the happenings in your local geographic community, the chance to debate important issues, the opportunity to meet potential friends or romantic partners and the ability to buy or sell items. Each month, Craigslist receives over four billion page views making it abundantly clear that the Craigslist community is an extensive one with many members around the world. This article will focus on just a few aspects of the Craigslist community including finding jobs, meeting friends, buying or selling items and discussing important issues. Finding Jobs on Craigslist One of the most well known uses of Craigslist is to find a job. These jobs can be permanent full time jobs, temporary jobs, contract positions and even telecommute positions. Those who are interested in finding a new and exciting career opportunity can browse through Craigslist and search for potential matches in a number of different categories and locations. In addition to browsing through the different categories included on Craigslist, job seekers can also use the search function to search through all of the categories for jobs which may have been placed in categories the job seeker did not consider browsing. Community members can also find potential jobs by posting their resume through Craigslist. There is a section dedicated to resumes in Craigslist and those who are interested in posting their resume can do so for any desired location. One secret to posting a resume that will gain attention is to include a descriptive headline for your resume. For example an administrative assistant looking for work in the medical field might consider posting a headline that reads, Administrative Assistant in Medical Field as opposed to My Resume. This is helpful because those who are browsing the resumes in search of an administrative assistant are more likely to click on the first resume than the second because the aforementioned headline is more descriptive. Meeting Friends on Craigslist Craigslist can also provide a great opportunity for networking. Whether individuals are looking to meet a platonic friend or a romantic partner or simply looking for a roommate, there is a place on Craigslist for them to post an appropriate advertisement or view existing advertisements. Advertisements for roommates can be placed in the housing section of Craigslist while advertisements seeking friends or romantic partner may be placed in the appropriate category of the personals section. As with any posting on Craigslist, care should be taken to follow all guidelines and restrictions when posting in the personals section of the community. Buying or Selling Items on Craigslist Those who are looking to buy or sell items may also turn to Craigslist for assistance. Craigslist has a for sale section which is divided into sections such as bikes, furniture, musical instruments, computers, clothes, household items and even motorcycles and boats. There is even a section for those who are offering items free of charge and those who are seeking the opportunity to barter with others. There is also a wanted section for those who are seeking a specific item they cannot find offered for sale elsewhere on Craigslist. Care should be taken when purchasing any item online to ensure the item is in the condition reported in the advertisement. Craigslist offers a page dealing with scams to provide users with useful information which can help to ensure their transactions operate smoothly. Discuss the Issues on Craigslist Members of the Craigslist community can also discuss important local and national issues with other community members. There is a discussion forum with a number of different categories for users to exchange information or debate important issues. When participating in these forums it is wise to follow the guidelines set forth by Craigslist. Additionally, there is a category in the personals sections called rants and raves for community members to sound off about issues which they feel are wrong. This section is restricted to community members over the age of 18 and all other visitors are cautioned that this section may contain offensive or otherwise objectionable material and should not be visited by those who are easily offended. PPPPP Word count 707
The Benefits of Advertising on Craigslist

Savvy businesspeople and Internet marketers who market on Craigslist are able to gain a great deal of benefits from this advertising option. Craigslist is an online community where users can exchange information, buy or sell items, seek jobs or even find friends or romantic partners. There are a number of benefits to advertising on Craigslist. Two of the most important benefits are the affordability and the ability to reach a large audience. This article will focus on these two benefits and will also offer advice on ensuring your advertising is not just reaching a large audience but is reaching your target audience. The Price is Right Consider the cost of advertising on Craigslist versus advertising on other websites and there is simply no comparison. The vast majority of Craigslist postings are available free of charge to those who use the website. Only a limited number of advertisements including job advertisements in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York and brokerage listings in New York are charged a fee for posting advertisements. Even these advertisers are only charged a nominal fee for their advertisements. This means all commercial advertisements for products and services are posted free of charge. Affiliate marketing, which offers business owners the ability to only pay the affiliate when the advertisement generates web traffic, a sale or a lead is an excellent bargain but even that is no match for the free advertising offered on Craigslist. Advertising on Craigslist becomes even more financially appealing in comparison to other advertising option where the business owner is charged for each time the advertisement appears whether or not it results in a sale being made or even a lead generated. Reaching a Large Audience with Craigslist In addition to affordability another benefit to advertising on Craigslist is the potential to reach a large audience. Craigslist receives approximately four billion page views per month from approximately ten million website visitors. This is appealing because it allows users to reach a large audience with only minimal effort. Craigslist already has a large following and many Internet users already turn to Craigslist for whatever they are looking for before searching other resources. Having such a large audience means half of the work is already done for advertisers. They already have high traffic to the website, now they just need to write an eye catching and engaging advertisement that will attract customers. A Large Audience is Not Necessarily a Target Audience Craigslist certainly has a large pre-existing fan base of regular users but this large audience does not necessarily ensure advertisers will have a target audience just waiting for them to post their advertisement. Craigslist is an extensive online community and finding members of the target audience is more important than reaching the entire community. Business owners can certainly invest a great deal of time and effort placing their advertisement throughout the different sections of the website but this is not likely to be effective. Craigslist is divided into a number of different sections and categories for a specific reason. This is to make it easier for users to find the information they are seeking. For this reason business owners should focus on placing their advertisement in sections which are likely to be visited by members of the target audience. Additionally, placing advertisements in multiple sections may result in the moderators of Craigslist interpreting the advertisements as spam and deleting them. Whether the advertisements are deleted as spam or rendered ineffective they are not likely to convince members of the target audience to purchase products or services. PPPPP Word count 598